Consultancy Services
The COVID-19 pandemic and international events have resulted in unprecedented disruptions to global supply chains.
Price increases in petroleum and other input costs (outweighing the increases in household income) have put considerable pressure on businesses’ and suppliers’ pricing and margins.
Khana Solutions works closely with SMMEs to reduce costs, optimise business processes and efficiencies and avail cheaper financing options through Khana Capital. We work closely with SMMEs to build sustainable businesses with great growth potential. Our ethos is that a strong, dependable and efficient supply chain is key to sustainable business operations for large corporations.
Khana Solutions works closely with SMMEs to reduce costs, optimise business processes and efficiencies and avail cheaper financing options through Khana Capital. We work closely with SMMEs to build sustainable businesses with great growth potential. Our ethos is that a strong, dependable and efficient supply chain is key to sustainable business operations for large corporations.
Khana Solutions also conducts independent research on the ease of doing business in local markets and the barriers to business and funding.
We share local market insights with international financiers, development agencies and Khana Capital to ensure that any investment into the local market/economy yields the maximum positive impact for SMMEs.